5 Habits to start your day
5 Habits to start your day Meditate Breath Work Exercise Gratitude Read Those who are successful have one thing in common they build persistent habits to achieve the thing they are focused on. Take a professional athlete, as they are the best example, they are...

Happiness – Where is it?
Happiness – Where is it? Happiness is what everyone chases in life, without even knowing it. Happiness can be measured on the scale of your awareness of it. The more aware you are of being happy, the more you feel and exude it. But, one must ask the question,...

Success through Conscious Awareness
Sometimes it seems like we are going through our days on autopilot, not really putting any conscious thought into what we do. It's like driving to work on the same route every day. Our body and mind become a habit that requires no conscious thought. We get in the car...